Membership Information
Membership information and Membership Form:
- All persons interested in supporting the protection of Little Salt Spring and the surrounding area are invited to join Friends of Little Salt Spring, Inc.
- Annual dues are due during in December or January. Members joining in late in the year, in October or November of any year will be extended a full year membership for the following year.
- To join select the MEMBERSHIP Type below and complete the form. Once you complete the form you will be directed to the Payment Page.
- Or send an email to our Membership Chairman to have a Membership Form mailed to you.
- Click here on FLSS BYLAWS or FLSS RULES AND REGULATIONS to view them.
- FLSS application for 501c3 not for profit status has been accepted. To view the acceptance letter click here.
Free for Students K-12 and Collage. |
$10.00 per member |
$10.00 per Family Membership plus $5.00 for each additional family member |
$50.00 |
$100.00 |